Weekly Question: "Am I A Leader If I Run A Solo-Business?"
Jun 28, 2024
"I'm a solopreneur, I don't have a team, I don't have employees, I don't run a large business - who am I leading?"
A recent question. A really good one, might I add!
The simple answer is "Absolutely you are a leader."
A leader isn't one that necessarily has the position of "boss" or has subordinates in positions of "team", "employees", or the like.
There are many forms of leadership roles and positions.
Mainly, leadership is a form of influence and positive persuasion.
Which means, that leadership starts from within. You must first lead yourself. You need to be someone that is worth emulating and worth looking up to.
A leader is a good role model that people admire, respect, cherish, and want to learn from.
Therefore step 1 is lead yourself. Always grow, always learn, and always improve.
The next step is to lead those around you. Whether you are selling your services or products (life-blood of every business). Whether you have suppliers, contractors, or vendors. It can even be your next-door neighbor or overall community.
You are always in the role of leadership.
People are always watching, people are always listening.
My only question to you is "How are you impacting them?"
Good food for thought.
Get connected with your people!
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