S02E12 - Building A Purpose-Driven Community with Russ Hedge

business podcast May 16, 2024
Yermi Kurkus Consulting
S02E12 - Building A Purpose-Driven Community with Russ Hedge

A Purpose-Driven Community is what most (if not all of us) seek.


As humans, we mostly tend to hang out like-minded people. We like familiarity.


You see, we all need to feel needed and part of something, but, we also want to hang out in a place where we feel wanted, belonging, and inspired.


This is what we are exploring in this week’s episode.

Russ Hedge is a marketing expert who specializes in “Inspiration” - Russ believes that when you build a community that shares the same values and vision as your brand, this community becomes extremely loyal to you and to your brand.

They not only keep coming back, but they bring their like-minded friends to join your brand as well.

If this excites you - this episode is one you won’t want to miss. Come get inspired, hop on to the episode, and have a listen…


Show Recap:


1. What is your message that you share with the world?


Live with Intentional Purpose. Build Connections and Community. Keep a Positive Mindset and Perspective


2. How did you discover this message?




3. What about this message is so near-and-dear to your heart?


It is my life Purpose


4. Who are the typical people this message resonates with?




5. Where do you draw your inspiration from?





Russ Hedge Bio:


Russ Hedge is an International Best Selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Marketing Coach, Business Consultant, Livestreamer/Podcaster, and Livestream Producer” He is a positive force in today’s busy, hectic, and often negative business environment.


He is a master connector, working in marketing and sales for over 30 years. He has been recognized as a Top Salesperson in multiple industries for his skills in Networking and Connecting!


Russ loves to encourage, inspire, and make people smile. That’s why he is known as an “Inspiration Specialist.” 


Feel welcome to connect with Russ through his ⁠Linkedin ⁠or by ⁠Email⁠.

You can check out his shows on ⁠YouTube⁠ and his ⁠Podcast⁠.


All this and more can be explored on Russ's ⁠Website⁠.


Feel welcome to watch the video interview below.


You can also check it out on LinkedIn and Facebook by clicking the links below